Coaching Package Options

I offer two standard coaching packages, listed below as well as workshops for groups. My services can also be customized to fit your unique needs. Just reach out and let’s talk.


Monthly Coaching

This plan allows you total flexibility. We’ll treat each 1 hour meeting separately and you get to choose how many times we meet.  We will explore your current circumstances and focus on the items of greatest importance to you.  You will be provided with tools to use as you move forward and create your own financially healthy habits.  This approach may consume anywhere from 6-12 months as you build those habits and live in them. 


Immersive Coaching

This plan includes 3 meetings of up to 90 minutes each within a 60 day period.  Well start with examining your current circumstances and focus on creating new habits that support your desired objectives.  At the conclusion of the 60 day period, you have the option to extend the coaching engagement for up to 12 monthly meetings at a reduced cost per meeting.  These additional meetings will be driven by your objectives but for example could focus on accountability, habit-forming practices or simply answering additional questions. 


If you know of a group interested in engaging and interactive workshops, I have dynamic content for almost any area of personal financial best practices. Contact me to explore sharing with your group today.